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Gje din gåve til Robautviklingsfond
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Welcome to Roba Development Fund


The foundation Roba Development Fund is a charity organization which is running the development- work in Siraro district in Ethiopia. The foundation has projects within school, sanitation, environment and agriculture sectors. In order to minimise a dependency culture our projects are designed to promote self-help and capacity-building.

Both in Norway and Ethiopia we rely on the work of dedicated unpaid volunteers to implement to identify, plan, implement and monitor projects. Therefore, all the money we raise is spent only on the implementation of our projects..

The foundation is recognised by the Norwegian authority and registered in Brønnøysundregistrene a register-authority and source of information. That means the Foundation’s accounts are audited by an authorised auditor who submits financial reports to the authority once a year.


10 years accomplishment report (2008 - 2018)

..........Since its establishment, Roba Development Fund has been working on various projects. It has projects within school, sanitation, environment and agriculture sectors. To minimize a dependency culture, the projects are designed to promote self-help and capacity-building..........

.....To address the development issues facing the district, Roba Development fund has been implemented different projects in the district since 2008. The foundation has projects within school, sanitation, environment and agriculture sectors. To minimize a dependency culture the projects are designed to promote self-help and capacity-building......

...In collaboration with the District Education office and the local community, Roba Development Fund has constructed additional classroom, Library, demonstration laboratory, toilet and fences around the school. In addition to the construction, Roba Development Fund provides educational materials like teachers and students reference books, furniture and other materials. To encourage and capacitate outstanding and needy family, Roba Development Fund has sponsored and supported about 64 students where some of them graduated from higher level institutions.

Capacity building was another focus area implemented in the district with the support of Roba Development Fund. This includes the provision of livestock for the needy family and humanitarian assistance, training, awareness raising workshop and experience sharing on climate change and environmental protection.....

Provision of Educational Material & Furniture

Roba Development fund has been supporting Schools with different educational materials like reference books for teachers and students, dictionaries and student desks for more than five schools in the district.

Over 1000 reference books are purchased and distributed to Siraro Secondary Schools, Sanbate Sinkile, Katta Sifo & Lokke Sifo Elementary & Junior Secondary schools and Rophi secondary school to equip with the necessary reading materials. Beyond this, the materials will help the students and teachers to further their knowledge toward their local culture....

Sponsorship and Material Support

Education plays a positive role in the development of society by promoting a range of activities which stimulate creativity & innovation. Education is a product of society & plays a major role in social change. Thus, education must involve the whole society in its operation & offer the possibility of a long-life process of learning if it is to be of maximum use to society. There is a close interaction between education & economic development as no society has achieved sound economic development/social change without education.....
....Our students are graduated with different professionals like master’s in business marketing, Bachelor’s in Business management, Political science, Information Technology, accounting, Psychology, Nurs, cooperative, Community development from different universities / collages in the country like Addis Ababa, Samara, Asoosaa, Dire Dawa, Jijjigaa, Haromayaa, Assellaa, Wachamo, Mizanatepi, Gonder, Kuyera Adventist, Ardeita and Rift Valley universities /collages in Shahsemene.

Two of our BA graduates are handicaps. We are proud of all graduated boys and girls specially Abu and Aman who fulfill their study with all their physical challenges. Abu is graduated from A.A University in political science and international relations, and Aman is also graduated from A.A university in Ethiopian Sign Language and Deaf Culture studies. We hope that all the graduated boys and girls will soon get a job. We wish them good luck!

Girls empowering

We are also proud of all graduated girls. We would like to congratulate all the boys and girls who have got a job after their study.  Shagga and Fathuma with their job in high position in Siraro districts. Both Shagga and Fathuma are studied political science. Shagga is graduated from Jijjiga University in 2014 and Fathuma is graduated from Dire Dawa University in 2017.

Laptops which are outdated in Norwegian schools have got new life in Ethiopia. All our students in Collages and Universities have got each laptop.

Adults training

Roba Development Fund in collaboration with district Rural & Agricultural Development Office and Health Office provides different types of training on different social and economic issues. This includes environmental protection, family hygiene, food preparation and nutrition, saving and income generating activities, crop and livestock development, family health, reproductive health and family planning method, and awareness raising on harmful traditional practices....


When Margareth turned 50 years in 2012
she wished money instead of gifts.
The money she wanted to spend for stoves to families in the Siraro district.
She wanted to make life easier for the women....

Environment Protection
...In the year 2008 three participants (One teacher & two students) from siraro district were invited and participated on an international environmental conference which was held in Stavanger - Norway for 15 days on climate change & environmental issues.  Upon their return to Ethiopia, they transfer what they have gained during the visit to the school community and surrounding communities....

Capacity Building & Humanitarian support
...During the period of 2006 and 2012, 450 different types of livestock (cow, oxen, heifers, bulls, sheep’s, goat, and donkey) were purchased and distributed to 450 poor family household. Indirectly, about 2700 people were benefited from the support. Due to this, some of them able to send their children to school....

Drought in the district

...The foundation was also purchased and distribute emergency food item “Enset” /false banana/ to about 330 households in response to the communities and government call from the district due to prolonged drought happened in 2008 / 2009 in the district....

Church Support

Since its establishment Roba Development Fund has supported the construction of a church in Katta, Lokke, and Kite Tesisa and provided different materials for each church....

Feedback from one of our student
...The school was very far from our home, were no infrastructures, transportations and other facilities to use. The only option I have is going on foot for two hours and coming on foot for two hours which is totally four hours per day and twenty hours a week (Monday – Friday). After school I used to help my family, and no one helped me to do homework, assignments and other school activities, because of the factors I mentioned above....
...Girls in Siraro district get marriage starting from 12 years old, because they don’t have chance to go to school. They don’t have a right of getting married with the one they loved, because everything concerning their life will be decided by their family. This applies for both male and female. Siraro is a place where harmful traditional practices (HTP) widely developed in the mind of people and very difficult to overcome in persuading the large society at all...

...I was graduated post graduate program on July 2015, and since then I was employed (hired) as customer service head. Currently I am working as marketing manager of the company and generating my own income because, the motto of Roba Development Fund is HELP TO SELF HELP and thus, why I am helping myself and my family, achieving the goal of Roba Development Fund....

...Roba Development Fund helped several students who have no chance to go to school. Most them were graduated and the rests of them are on school.  Hence, I have heart felt gratitude to Roba Development Fund for their wonderful and uncountable helps to self-help...

Please red the 10 years achivment report here

Last Updated on Saturday, 19 October 2024 12:13  
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